
What Our Clients Say About Us

No matter the project, our team can handle it. 

I recently put together my first website for our small business, being a novice I wanted to make sure that everything on my site was working and looked professional before I launched it.

Dark Arts Website Audit was great, I received a full report from Emma within a few days, it was easy to understand with no complicated tech jargon.

Not only did they check all the spelling and grammar and point out what changes I needed to make but also gave suggestions on how the site could be improved.

They picked up that my email link wasn’t working and that the site didn’t load correctly on mobile devices. I was able to make all the

changes so that when I launched the site I was confident that it looked great and everything was working correctly.

Highly recommend this service especially if you are a small business that doesn’t have its own IT department to rely on. 


Kiwi Mountain Furniture

I was having some trouble with my website - I wasn't getting as many calls as I used to and I was missing some important emails. So, I reached out to Dark Arts for some help. After about a week, they gave me a call to let me know that my website was going offline pretty frequently. They even sent me a report with all the dates, times, and lengths of the outages.  and they checked with my service provider and found out that they had a 95% online guarantee.

With all this information, I contacted my service provider and they were able to get my site back up and running within a day! I haven't had any issues since then.

 I just wanted to give a big shoutout to Dark Arts for helping a small business like mine get back online and receiving new business. Thanks again!


Alba Ceilings

For years, our Debt Collection Department had relied on Excel spreadsheets to manage and monitor their work. However, Dark Arts has developed an application that has revolutionized our approach to debt collection. By utilizing cloud storage and incorporating every aspect of the collection process, our staff has been able to save countless hours.

The most significant benefit of this software is the automation of legal documents. Previously, our staff would spend hours manually inputting the correct fields. However, our new software has streamlined this process, allowing us to simply verify that everything is correct. This has resulted in savings of over twenty man-hours per week.

Overall, the implementation of this software has had a significant impact on our practice, both in terms of time and cost savings. We are thrilled with the results and grateful for the expertise of Dark Arts in developing such a valuable tool.

Legal Executive

Auckland Law Firm